Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Marketing the Eggstractor

One of the things that shopping at thrift stores teach you is what has been successfully marketed and what doesn't work as a product.  Case in point is the Eggstractor.  You see it in at least every other thrift store you come across.  Why?  A great concept.  It easily separates the shell from the egg easily and neatly.  My wife says it doesn't work.  I don't know if that is true.

However, there had to be a lot of them that were sold to be able to find that many in thrift stores.  But if a product has long term value, you don't find it as much in a thrift store.

Another product of this type is the thigh master.  As I've traveled a lot I've actually used it till I joined a nationwide gym chain.  It does work as it will provide resistance on an exercise that works your thighs.  But they had to sell a ton of them because you see a lot of them.

Thank you Thighmaster, can I have another? (obscure Animal House reference)

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