Tuesday, October 26, 2010

CDs and DVDs are cheap!

People often overlook thrift shops as a resource for CDs and DVDs.  I've seen them priced for anywhere from 50 cents to $3.  Though they aren't exactly my favorites, I've seen recent releases from Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.  My tastes run more to the 80s and 90s alternative and I find plenty of those.

Lots of people will tell you it is easier to get mp3s from iTunes.  However, I like to think of it this way.  If I like enough songs on a CD to pay for itself, I buy it.  And then I turn it into a used CD shop and ultimately pay far less for the song(s) than from iTunes.

There are few current movies I enjoy but DVDs usually run from 2 to 5.

You have to watch for severely scratched discs but with a little caution, I've never had a problem.

Another great resource are pawn shops.  Unfortunately, many in society have such an aversion to thrift shops and pawn shops that people are reluctant to be seen in them.  Maybe the show Pawn Stars will make a difference.

Get over it!

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